Jumat, 26 Juni 2009

Simple Things

My prediction was completely wrong
You didn't make it
But...you just weren't reach your luck yet

Keep trying...don't stop
If you didn't get your luck on claycourt and grasscourt
Then you'll get it on hardcourt
It's just about surface and fortune

But, whatever happens
You're still the best
Nobody can't replace you
Because you're the first and only

Selasa, 23 Juni 2009


Ketika tanah liat menjadi rumput
Maka segala yang tak ada menjadi ada
Lima tahun penantian akan terjawab

Di sini
Di Wimbledon

Jumat, 12 Juni 2009

A Bitter Truth

I just found out
The deepest, biggest truth about my school
But...I really am not glad to hear that
Instead, it's freaking me out

I thought all my dudes were normal enough to think before they do something
But I know I was wrong
Lots of them don't have any brains
I even wonder: are they humans?

It's hard to believe, I know
My school...and all the people in it
Everything has a dark side, I know
But...it's too dark for me, I'm not sure I will be able to handle this

Everything stinks
Why didn't I expect it before?
School is wilder than I thought
I know I'm a little bit wild, but at least my wildness still can be forgiven

Please don't let me be one of them
I don't want to
They're just pieces of crap
And I know I'm a lot more precious than them

Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

Biarkan Aku Meraihnya

Untaian kata meluncur deras
Dari bibirku ketika kupastikan kabar itu
Sujudku kupersembahkan padaMu
Sebagai perwujudan kebahagiaan tiada kira

Lapar dan haus tak terkira
Tiada sebanding dengan kebahagiaan yang Kau berikan
Kurelakan diriku berpanas-panas di bawah terik matahari
Karena kuyakin kata-kata tak cukup untuk berterimakasih
Atas hadiah yang Kau berikan

Betapa penyayangnya diriMu
Kau beri aku hadiah tanpa kuminta
Kuminta hati...Kauberi jantung
Tak kuasa aku berkata-kata

Berikan aku kekuatan
Untuk meraih hadiah tersebut sekali lagi
Yang terakhir sebelum perjuangan baru dimulai

Aku mohon, Tuhan
Biarkan aku meraih hadiah itu
Demi kekuatan yang baru untuk perjuangan yang baru
Akan kulakukan yang terbaik
Untuk mendapatkannya lagi

Aku mencoba
Terus mencoba
Akan kuraih
Pasti kuraih